24 April 2007

The glory in the wind

Click here to read Matthew 14:22-33

Matthew 14:31 “…You of little faith, why did you doubt?”

In this passage of scripture we see Jesus commanding the disciples to get into a boat and go over to “the other side” of the sea. (Matthew 14:22) That was their target destination – the other side. As they were making their way on the boat, they experienced extremely difficult circumstances. A very strong wind began to blow against them. The gospels record that they strained very hard at the oars trying to steer the boat to “the other side” all night. Early in the morning Jesus came walking toward them on the sea. (Mathew 14:25). The disciples were terrified. “But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.”” (Mathew14:27)

Upon hearing this, the Bible in Mathew 14:28 says that, “Peter answered him “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on water.” Think about that statement for a moment. Peter answered?? Peter answered?? Which question was he answering? Jesus didn’t ask him any question. I would have liked it if the Bible had said “Peter stated” or “Peter requested” because that would have made more grammatical sense, but the Bible wasn’t written to satisfy my likes. Certain versions use the phrase “Peter replied.” The root word there implies “Peter answered.” What was he answering?

We find that in the earlier verse, Jesus reveals Himself to them - “…It is I…” Every revelation of who Christ is to us is also an invitation for us to walk like Jesus walked. Peter was answering that invitation. Peter was giving his reply to that invitation. “But when God, who had set me apart before I was born and called me through His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me, so that I might proclaim him among the gentiles…” (Galatians1:15,16a). Think of the first time the truth of the gospel was revealed to you. Did you really need an invitation? No. You just knew that the invitation was there. When Christ revealed His salvation to you, you would have replied, “Lord if that is you; bid me to come to you.” And the response forever will be “come.”

“…So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water and came toward Jesus, but when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus immediately reached out His hand and caught him saying to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Mathew14:29-31) There are four things we see happen to Peter: 1. He noticed the wind 2. He became frightened 3. He began to sink. 4. He cried out for help. However the response of Jesus was none of the following: 1. “You of little focus, why did you notice the wind? 2. “You of little courage, why did you fear?” 3. “You of little perseverance, why did you sink?” 4. “You of little composure, why did you panic?” The response of Jesus was “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” This indicates that the four things that happened to Peter happened because he doubted and he had little faith. It was because of the lack of faith that he noticed the wind, became frightened, began to sink and cried out in fear.

Think for a moment what Peter went through. He noticed the wind. What does the wind have anything to do with walking on water? From the little science I know, anything that’s denser than water will sink and vice versa. The wind has nothing to do with whether something sinks or floats. I could try walking on water right now and I am sure I will sink – regardless of whether there is a wind blowing or not! So why was it that Peter took special note of the wind that caused him to fear? Although the wind had nothing to do with Peter walking on water, the wind was the chief cause of a previous failure. It was due to the wind that they could not row the boat ashore. There are many “winds” that we as believers take note of. The wind of failure, the wind of hurt, the wind of opposition, the wind of rejection and so on and so forth. Are the “winds” of yesterday that caused you failure and dejection causing you fear for your walk today?

“…But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead…” (Philippians 3:13) Do not let the factors that caused you failure and difficulty yesterday become your focus. You cannot walk your walk today focusing on yesterday’s winds. If you do, you will become frightened, you will sink and you will panic. So actually what did Peter doubt? He doubted whether yesterdays winds will affect his today’s walk. Notice that the disciples were terrified in the boat. (Verse 26) Then Jesus comes along and says do not fear. (Verse 27) Then Verse 30 says he became afraid again. Keep a constant watch over your life to not let yesterday’s fears creep in to today’s ventures. “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.” (Lamentations 3:21-26). Remember the Lord’s compassions are new every morning; they do not depend on the winds of yesterday.

Finally, verse 24 says “the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.” It does not specify which “land”. Whether it was the land from where they started or the land to which they were going. There are two ways of looking at this verse. One way is to say that the boat is far from the destination; far from the “other side”. Another way is to say that the boat is far from where it started. I may not be where I hope to be; nor am I where I ought to be; but by the grace of God, I am not where I used to be. Isn’t it amazing that even though the wind was against the boat, the boat still drifted far from where it started? “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20). Give God the glory for every wind that has come your way.

There is so much I see now
That I was oft blind to
The more of Him I get to know
The less I try to do

His works in me depend not
On mine failure, sin or hurt
But on unbelief and its blot
Will cleanse in me all dirt

When I sense His face and voice
In manners not yet known
Faith in Him will hold its poise
And doubt at last is blown

Thus in Him will my trust rest
Though with my eyes I don’t see
For I know He knows best
I’m glad His love found me.


Anonymous said...

Amazing thought.. God Bless you. Gigi

Unknown said...

.....as always...concise to the point and gives attention to detail..that s sujith's interpretation of thr word to me.

Anonymous said...

good job man!!!
u made me think...

Anonymous said...

Well written and drives home the message!!

Jayme Gurl! said...

Oh how true His word is to us. God's word today was a blessing to me. Thank Him for using you as a vessel in which to pour out His word to us. This was such an inspiration to look at things from this perspective. God's word is truth and it speaks volumes. Bless you for sharing it today with us. May God continue to anoint you as each week you share with us. You are in my prayers bro. Blessings...jayme

Anonymous said...

very good message
God bless you

Alex Thomas said...
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Alex Thomas said...

Yes Suj, we need to see the glory in the wind. "His way is in the whirlwind and the storm (Nahum 1:3)As long as the source of the wind is God (Ps135:7), we don't need to worry. When winds blows against us, we are not alone (Is 25:4). He can reverse the direction of the wind. The eastwind brings the locust and the westwind chases the locust away(Exo 10:19). Each wind has a task to do. It may be to give victory over our enemies (Ex14:21), or to prove that He is the real God (1King 18:45), or to revive us (Ez 37:9), or to correct us (Jonah 1:4). Let us remain faithful, empowered by the wind in Acts 2:2. In all the situations we are passing through right now, let us see His glory. Love.

Anonymous said...

So great explanation!!!

I'm impressed!!!

God may continue blessing you more and more ... giving you more and more wisdom.


Unknown said...

Hey That was great and touched me a lot.
It will be more attractive if you make some points and highlight them.
You have wonderful thoughts, God bless u and use you more... for His Glory.

Anonymous said...

thank god am not where i used to be...
thanks to god...even if i am unfaithful n not loyal...he keeps blowin into my sails...yayyyy =)

yah i like the way u writethough i'd love to read shorter analysis...am wonderin bout how all of u found jesus...???

Anonymous said...

"It was indeed a joy to read your article. The Lord inspire you the right words to be a bloming flower and glowing light in this world to bring out many from darkness to light. We love you in Christ. Continue being a warrior in and for Him." ICS - Abey from China

TiGer said...

you have left me amazed..inspired ..enlightened.
I have been moved by the knowledge that you have bestowed on me...for "The LORD is my shepard and theres nothin i Shall want" But just word wont satisfy me any more.. it is the trust i have in him that has grown stronger reading this ...
God bless...

Sujith Alex said...


That was an insightful study into the different form of "winds" mentioned in Scripture. I'm glad to note that every form of wind is allowed by God and each has a purpose to serve. However being empowered by the wind in Acts 2:2 is vital!

Rini Abraham said...

" Although the wind had nothing to do with Peter walking on water, the wind was the chief cause of a previous failure. It was due to the wind that they could not row the boat ashore. "
Very interesting Sujith. Its true that we look at things that don't even lie in perspective anymore, and are fearful because of the 'winds'.. But Indeed we can walk with Jesus, and in His steps if we stop looking at the winds...
Blessed message!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Sujith,
I would have kissed you if I was there with you..ha ha ha...
Man I was so worried because of the past incident in the school the other day. I gave out 7 detentions; this boy objected. I had difficulty explaining him why I put him on detention. I wasn't feeling good about it. Was so stressed, so disappointed and so worried. I didn't want to go school.

Thanks to you Sujith...After reading this article, all my fear went away. I became double confident and went to school today as I normally go. Believe me, I went very well with all the classes by God's grace. I learnt a very important lesson of my life today. I can't be worried all the time just thinking about the wind in the past.
You actually those boys whom I put on detention, they were there during my lunch duty in the ground and the boy who objected lunch detention on that day(had arguments with me), he actually talked with me. I was surprised.

Thank God for you Sujith...You are such a blessing!!! God Bless!

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Unknown said...

One more aspect, Peter didn't start to sink until he took his eyes off of Christ. Everyone of us begin to sink when we take our eyes off of Christ.
Do you seem far from God? Do you feel like you aren't hearing Him or feeling Him like you once did? Does everything in your walk with Christ seem to be going wrong? Well where have you placed your focus? Yes the wind will blow and life circumstances will seem dire but as long as we keep our eyes on Jesus, none of that will matter. That is the central (in my opinion) theme to this passage and we see this reflected in Elijah who, after God had used to slay the 450 false prophets of Jezebel and the fire and power of God was demonstrated before everyone through him, he fled. He ran to a cave where he literally caved into self pity. His focus wasn't on the Lord for that moment and God taught Him an important lesson. The Lord wasn't in the powerful wind He was in the gentle whisper. Much will drown out the voice of God but if you keep your eyes focused on Christ you'll hear that gentle whisper.