17 April 2007

I have no one

Click here to read John 5:1-9

John5:7”…Sir, I have no one…someone else goes ahead of me”
In this passage of scripture we read about a pool called Bethsaida or Bethesda. By the pool, “lay many invalids – blind, lame and paralyzed” (John5:3). Now Jesus happened to be there one day and his eyes fell upon a man who had been ill for thirty eight long years. (John 5:5). The Bible does not say what his illness was – so we do not know exactly what his condition was; but we do know what his illness was not. All the ill people there were either blind, lame or paralyzed. So we do know that deafness was not his issue, neither was dumbness. He was either blind or lame or paralyzed. Even though many of us may not fall into these categories, there are similar conditions that we may be in.
There are several frustrations that can creep into the life of a child of God. The first one is the frustration of being blind. This frustration is caused by being in a state where one has the potential to do many things, but cannot either due to fear or lack of self confidence. The blind man may have healthy legs and hence the potential to walk, but will not have the confidence to do so. He may have the potential to run, but cannot because of the fear of falling. He may have strong arms and hence the potential to hit a tennis ball well, but cannot because of his lack of vision. Many Christians are in this state of mind today. They feel they can contribute and do a lot more, but they lack the vision to do it. Secondly, the frustration of being lame: This is caused by being in a state of mind where one has the desire or vision to do many things, but lacks the potential or gifting to do it. The lame man can theoretically explain how to run, but cannot demonstrate it by implementation. When he sees a hill, he may have the desire to go trekking, but he cannot because he lacks the potential to do it. A lot of Christians are in this state of mind. Although they have a desire to do many things, they feel inadequate, inferior and worthless. The third frustration is that of being paralyzed. A paralyzed man, no matter how hard he tries, cannot move the part of the body that has undergone paralysis. This frustration can be described the feeling of being “stuck” all the time and not able to move and make progress no matter how hard you try – either in one particular area or in life as a whole. The Bible says that the paralyzed man had been there a long time. Likewise many Christians have been living with these frustrations also for a long time.
Believers who live with such frustrations also tend to have other problems; chiefly, self pity. When Jesus asked him "do you want to get well?"(John5:6), his response was "I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me."(John 5:7). People who live with such frustrations are usually bothered and troubled by two things. 1. The hopeless feeling of having no one to help and support them. 2. Getting depressed by seeing people around them making more progress than themselves. The paralyzed man lay there thirty eight long years watching people step ahead of him, getting into the pool and being healed. All along he hoped that someone would help and assist him.
The good news is that Jesus came along to the exact place he laid. Jesus knew he was ill. Jesus also knew how long he had been ill. The good news is that this man was neither deaf nor dumb and hence could communicate with Christ. “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:15, 16) Even though we may have many problems and challenges that are unique to us, we can communicate the same to God because Christ in His death reconciled us to God. "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Mathew 4:4). If we have the ability to communicate to God and privilege to hear from His word, then that is all that is needed for life – because man shall live on the Word of God. Remember, the man was invalid, but he could speak to Christ and he could hear from Christ.
Jesus addressed the root of the problem: “Do you want to be made well.” However, the paralyzed man’s focus was on the lack of solution: “I have no one…someone else goes ahead of me.” Have you been living with frustrations of being “lame”, “blind” and “paralyzed” for a long time? Have you being living in self pity, depression, and a feeling of worthlessness? Take your eyes off the lack of solutions and turn your eyes to the One who knows everything about you. Man shall not live on bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Jesus spoke a word – ‘"Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.’(John 5: 8,9) Enter boldly today into the throne of grace – there you will find mercy and grace to help you in your time of need.


Unknown said...

it is very good...may the almighty bless u more to do this

Genoy said...

Sujith, its very good...Keep it up. May God bless you.

Anonymous said...

good job sujith!!why dont you start off on a book???

Jayme Gurl! said...

Bro...words are not enough! God has blessed me so much today in the reading and study of this word. Continue to listen to His still small voice. Step out in faith and do what he says.

Live4Christ said...

Encouraging thought!! God Bless
Visit the Green Pastures

Unknown said...

its a beautiful post achacha... these blogs are little blessings in disguise.... keep up the great work... God Bless!!!

Anonymous said...


Cherry said...

Great going da. I'm so proud of you. Guess what I even used one of your illustrations about " making the grave a richer place" during my workshop at Quiet corner with Philip Cheian. God bless you!

Unknown said...

Great idea!!!
God bless you more and more!!

Unknown said...

Thanks.. been blessed!!

Unknown said...

Thanks.. been blessed!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...God has really given you a gift...keep using it...and what you wrote is totally true and we all do face it....even when we have been believers for many many many years....Remember we are never alone :o) thanks!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

gud thought buddy..May you be a blessing!!!

Abash Ranjan Jena said...

It is really a good work for the one's who are really going through frustration. This is encouraging. I praise the Almighty for putting this thought in your heart. Invite more and more non-christian friends to read this. I am sure the Lord will work in some of their minds. May God continue to bless you abundantly. Good Job.


Dear Sujith ..

Hay Praise God .. what you do is really worthy .. when I read this passage I could feel the Zeal and Importance of the Vision and the Role assigned by the Lord to us . As in Job 23:13,14 he will fulfill what he is planned for “(ME & U)” buddy … and as Ps 139:13,14,15,16 “U” have been Marked By the Lord when He planted this Earth… so keep going and be a wonderful and blessed Instrument in His Mighty Hands … God Bless u da ..