Click here to read Genesis 22:1-18
"...I shall show you..." Genesis 22: 2
One fine day, God tells Abraham: “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I shall show you. (Genesis 22: 2) I want you to notice the last part of that verse. It says Abraham was to offer Isaac as a burnt offering on “one of the mountains” that God “will show” him. God does not tell him which mountain. God does not tell him the name of the mountain. He just says it is “one of the mountains” in the land of Moriah. God does not tell him the size of the mountain. God does not tell him the location in Moriah where the mountain is situated. All God says about the mountain is “ I will show you” where it is.
Often when we receive a call from God; a call to obey in some particular, a call to serve, a call to worship, a call to let go etc, the vision may not be all that clear at first. There are things that God may leave untouched and unaddressed. Whenever the call of God comes, our natural instinct is to react and tell Him that He should be clearer about the call. You wish He would tell you exactly “which mountain.” Many times although we feel a tugging at our hearts to obey the call of God in some particular, we often delay it for the lack of “detail.” Although you know you have to obey, it does not make sense to obey because God has not shown you which “mountain”
So the last part of verse 2 says, “…offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I shall show you.” Verse 3 says “So Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey and took two of his young men with him, and his son Isaac; he cut the wood for the burnt offering and set out and went to the place in the distance that God had shown him”. Hold on right there! Verse 2 says that God “shall show” him the mountain. Verse 3 says Abraham set out to the place God “had shown him” So when did the “showing” actually happen?? Well it must have happened before he set out from home because it says Abraham “…set out and went to the place in the distance that God had shown him” How did Abraham know which mountain??
One of the greatest privileges a Christian has is to know God – to know Him, to know His ways. For us to fulfill any vision or call God gives us, we need a revelation of Him and His ways in order to fulfill it. Concerning the ministry of Moses, Psalms 103:7 says, “He made known His ways to Moses…” Once you come into a relationship with God, your greatest priority should be that you might know Him. Paul considered this top priority: “…whatever gains I had, these I have come to regard as loss because of Christ. More than that, I regard everything as loss because of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” Paul was willing to consider all things in life “rubbish” when compared to the value of knowing Jesus.
So between Genesis 22:2 (…I shall show you…) and Genesis 22:3(…God had shown him…), the revelation of God comes to Abraham. He heard the call of God, he made up his mind to obey, he went to bed that night, he rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey and took two of his young men with him, and his son Isaac; he cut the wood for the burnt offering and set out and went to the place in the distance that God had shown him. We do not know the exact time as to when the revelation came. But we do know it came at a time when Abraham decided to obey and consequently acted on it. We can never tell when the revelation of God will come through. We can never tell when God will reveal His word to us. We can never tell when He will chose to “make known His ways” to us. But we can make up our mind to obey and the revelation is sure to come.
The key to all revelation of God, the key to knowing Him, the key to understanding His ways, the key to comprehending His Word, is by obedience alone and nothing else. There is no short cut to it and there is no way you can buy it. John the disciple in his first letter best describes it: “Now by this we may be sure that we know him, if we obey his commandments.” (1 John 2:3) Think about that! There is only one sure way to know that you know Him. i.e. if you obey Him.
Why is it so important to know Him, to know His ways, to know His word? The Bible says in Genesis 22: 9 “When they came to the place that God had shown him…” In other words, when he obeyed the call of God to go the mountain God had “shown him”, he put Isaac on the altar and was ready to kill him. Then Abraham heard from heaven again “Abraham, Abraham…” The more you walk in obedience to the revelation God gives you, the more God will reveal Himself to you. Abraham looks up and sees a ram caught in the thickets and sacrifices it. Abraham named that place “Jehovah Jireh”!! Genesis 22:14: “So Abraham called that place, “Jehovah Jireh” (The Lord will provide), as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the Lord, it shall be provided”
Think of that for a moment! As it is said to this day!! Even to this day! On the mount of the Lord, it shall be provided! If Abraham had never obeyed the call of God, he would have never got to this mountain. He would have never had a revelation of Jehovah as “Jehovah Jireh”. That is why it is important to know Him through obedience. If you are obedient to Him, you will know Him. If you know Him, he will reveal Himself as your provider. One principle every Christian should learn by heart is 2 Peter 1:3 “His divine power has given us everything needed for life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” Everything needed for life! For life!!! Everything needed for godliness!! Everything!!! How?? Through the knowledge of Him!!! Everything, everything we need for life comes through the knowledge of Him. It is up to you to decide how important it is to make “knowing Him” your first priority in life.
Only a man, who obeys God, can know Him through revelation and only a man, who knows Him, can continue obeying Him. And through the knowledge of Him, everything for life and godliness is yours by His divine power. It says Abraham worshiped on that mountain. This is what true worship is all about. “And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”(John 17:3) This is what eternal life is all about. Make the decision to go to the mountain unknown; you never know what God will reveal to you there.
Oh how true this is. It is difficult sometimes to just step out in FAITH and TRUST God. But if our relationship is fully engulfed in Him....and we don't try to understand the things He asks but let Him give us directions it will work for good. Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Thank you for sharing this awesome word with us today!
Oooh man... neat ... I love this man... testing but necessary: Trust and Obedience. Trust - Not knowing the destination. Obedience inspite of lack of revelation. I gotta say its not always easy. But thank you man for showing us yet another reason to obey and trust.
great post .thanks for sharing the word of God.PRAISE GOD
Knowing, it is the same word as used in Gen4:1, a personal awareness of His attributes springing out of intimacy with God. All trouble ends here, when we know Him, for He is so good, much much beyond than we actually think. We trust anybody only to the level we know him or her, as we find out his/her goodness. Same with God. God is a Person. A very very good person. We know it as a fact. But do you know it personally? Does it motivate you for works of faith? If not, we need to know him. No surprise, why Paul spend all his energies for it, infact he left all his energies. Counted them rubbish. We by ourself cannot please God. There is no good residing in us. Therefore don't try to put your confidence in the flesh. Flesh profit nothing! I mean nothing! So what point is there in trying with that good for nothing. But as we know Him, our strength is replaced with His strength. My presence is replaced with His strength and i know i can do all things through Him who strngthens me. Paul was right in saying stuffs such as that.
But how do we know Him? Sujith already shared it. If you want to hear it from Jesus' mouth itself, then i encourage you to read Jn.14:22-23.
So in summary, He loved us-> So we love Him-> So we keep His commadmends-> So we get revelation-> So we know Him-> So we do works of faith-> So God is glorified in and through us. That's the whole plan. So let's move on or in Paul's word press on. And to Him who loved us be the glory. Amen forever.
I thank GOD for such person as you. The word of God says in Mattew 6:33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So let us seek him and he wiil reveal his plans for our life. To JESUS be all the glory. Praise JESUS.
Oh that was wonderful... I have a call in my life and am wrestling with my thoughts a loooot.... i have read this passage so many times but never knew wat it meant.. thanx for the post... please do pray for me...
…I shall show you…...…God had shown him......Othewise, the moment the Lord said 'I shall SHOW you, Abraham SAW the place in faith. Look at what Jesus taught- when you pray, believe that you have already received it. To change the FUTURE tense into PAST tense, we need Abraham's faith. A good thought! Good bless you!
omg!!..ur notes r aabsolutely fantabulous..gr8....u've written them all... u mustve gone through all these emotions n stages in ur walk with god cuz u hav pin pointed the struggles....god bless u...keep on writing...
@ Jayme
Simple yet profound. However that always is the essence of the Christian life - our relationship with Him.
@ Malcom
True my man! I must admit I've chickened out from going to many mountains.
@ Agile
Thanks for reminding us that our degree of trust in a person depends on how well we know him/her.
"So in summary, He loved us-> So we love Him-> So we keep His commadmends-> So we get revelation-> So we know Him-> So we do works of faith-> So God is glorified in and through us. That's the whole plan. So let's move on or in Paul's word press on. And to Him who loved us be the glory."
@ Papa
That is a good interpretation of the same text! Abraham was indeed a man of faith.
I noticed one important point, that I have seemingly missed out in the past..
Jehovah Jireh means - "on the mount of the Lord it shall be seen/it shall be provided"
I pondered over it - 'On the mount of the Lord'.
We gotta go to the hill of the Lord to see His provision...!!
feel so excited after reading this:).there is no one like JESUS .GOD BLESS
Maybe you will want to get a facebook icon to your site. I just marked down this site, however I had to do it by hand. Simply my $.02 :)
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