05 April 2008


They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man's eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, "Do you see anything?" He looked up and said, "I see people; they look like trees walking around." Once more Jesus put his hands on the man's eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Jesus sent him home, saying, "Don't go into the village." (Mark 8:22-26)

"Jesus sent him HOME..." Mark 8:26

In this passage of Scripture, we read about a blind man who was brought by some people to Jesus who was at Bethsaida at that time. Jesus leads him from inside the village to outside the village, where he regains his sight. Once his sight is restored, Jesus sends him away to his home, saying “Don't go into the village.” Note the two-fold instruction of Christ:

a) Go home
b) Do not go into the village

Based on the above two instructions the following can be inferred regarding the blind man:

a) His home was not in the village. If it was, Christ’s two fold instruction would contradict itself.

b) He is quite able now to travel on his own from where he is presently (outside the village) to either the village or his home. This infers that he once had sight and is well acquainted with the respective routes.

c) Where he currently is, is neither the place where he has come from (village) nor the place he is destined to go (home).

Now for convenience sake, I want to depict the three locations we find in this story with alphabets:

Inside the village – A;
Outside the village – B;
Home – C.

I am a big believer in the plans God has for my life. Suppose God’s plan for me is to get to C, I have often wondered why God won’t take me directly from A to C. Why does He have to take me to B before he sends me to C? Why doesn’t He send me directly to C instead?

Well there is a principle I learn from this. Notice the word “led” i.e Jesus “led him outside the village" or rather from A to B. Interesting observation. So I see that it is not possible for me to deduce or interpret God’s plan for me based on where God is leading me today. God may seem like He is leading me to B today but that is not an indication of where God will eventually send me (C). Have you ever wondered how you can be a recipient of magnificent dreams and great promises, and yet in real life, where you are headed seems like a mockery of where you are apparently supposed to be?!!

During this process, bystanders may ridicule you being led to B and deep down you may have a hunger to convince them that God will eventually take you to C. When God’s plan for you is to prepare a table for you (C), He may not lead you to a hotel, but instead Shepherd you into the presence of your enemies (B)! (Psalms 23:5a, author’s paraphrase). When God’s plan for you is the Prime Minister’s palace (C), He may not train you in a school of politics, but instead lead you into a pit and then promote you to a prison (B). Do not be bitter towards the brothers that God may use to lead you there. They are just God’s generals executing the Master’s command to bless you. (Genesis 45:4-8) When the place you are being led to apparently seems to contradict God’s plan for you, always tell yourself –it’s not over yet! It’s not over till its over.

But why then is point B so important in our journey towards point C? At point A, I had all the support of the people around me whom I trusted and relied on. Christ leading me to point B detoxifies me from everything I trusted on and familiarized with for my existence, security and comfort. For most of us, this is brought about through a series of painful experiences that we rather not talk about. However, God will not spare the hurt because He is adamant that “His glory He will not give to another” (Isaiah 4:10, 11). Eventually, when I do see the dream come to pass, I will know as sure as I know my name, that it was not my heritage nor my ability nor the people in my life that brought me thus far. On that day, I will repeat after the Apostle Paul, “I am what I am by GRACE.”

“Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come
T’was grace that brought me safe thus far
And grace will lead me HOME ”

– John Newton 1725-1807

'Jesus sent him HOME ....' Mark 8:26


Sneha said...

Oh Sujith!
How thoughtful...I am sure this is going to help many to understand lots of "Whys" about their lives and it will solve the future-mysteries of "Hows" as well. In fact, I am very much inspired to trust Lord fully after reading this.
Thx! Good on ya!

Jayme Gurl! said...

Once again brother...God has given you insight! I am so blessed by this because it helps me to "Trust in the Lord with all my heart...and not to lean on my own understanding...it helps me in all my ways to acknowledge Him...for He will direct my path." Right now I am trusting God for some pretty heavy duty miracles as you know. But the beauty is that I DO fully TRUST Him and because my TRUST is in Him that He will lead me....I have no fear. I noticed this about the blind man....he was not afraid to go where Jesus led him. Thank you so much for sharing what God has placed on your heart.


He must increase, but I must decrease.
---John 3:30

Joseph said...

Sujith, the point B referred to here is essentially not a testing period/place. It is the place where the blind man's sight is restored. Where God's glory is revealed. Point A is the testing period/place. Point A is where the blind man had gotten to by himself. That was not the place God wanted him to be. Which is why He takes him to point B and sends him further to point C, which is probably where he wants him to be.

Read thus, the passage gives me hope. It says I could be at the most inappropriate place, blinded by my worldliness, my envy, my anger, my pride (or whatever that blinds/obstructs my easy commune with my Saviour), yet God, in His infinite mercy chooses to lead me out of the mess created solely by me, touches me, heals me and points out the next destination. This reveals the mighty power of God which touches and turns my imperfect actions which may be acceptable within the Permissible Will of God into the Perfect Will of God.

Why does He not want me to go to the village again? Not only because it is not my destination, also because it was not the place I ought to have been in the first place. It is my inglorious past which I need to move away from. I am reminded of what Jesus says to the woman he saves from public stoning: Go your way, and from now on do not sin again. No wonder He does not want me to go to the village again. He wants me to go home.

Anonymous said...

Wow it is nice thoughts,
Inspiring , encouraging and molding.

Anonymous said...

Wow it was ince thoughts,
inspiring, encouraging and molding.
God bless you brother.

DHD Rentals said...

Great thoughts..
Well that was an answer to various questions taking root in my mind.Anyways Thanks for that.

God Bless!!

jerri said...

that was an amazing one Sujith. may the Lord continue to use u and reveal more of HIS word to u. thanks for sharing. God bless u

Rini Abraham said...

It was worth the wait..:)

Unknown said...

hey.... amazing read.. thanks so much for this.

Sarah said...

hmmm...wonder what this man was doin inside the village, away from home! The blindness, the healing- all reduce to carefully orchestrated instances in the journey, which fade in the glory of the destination- home! The journey is unique in each person's life and not necessarily demarcated into points A n B...the end is the same though- home! Im shaken on realisin that Jesus had to clearly instruct him to go home n not back into the village! It definitely wouldn't have naturally occurred to the man :-) "Lead me home" makes more sense to me now...Lead me home cos, I might go back to where i came from, n wouldn't make it to home on my own!

Alex Thomas said...

Hi Sujith. When God found that a shorter and faster northern route from Egypt to Canaan was risky for the Israelites, he detoured them through a southern route which was slower and much longer. Please read Exodus 13:17 onwards. Even though the journey was longer, slower and tougher, the advantages they reaped were amazing. Pharaoh and his army were destroyed. When your journey seems to be unusually and unnecessarily longer like in the case of this blind; don’t give up. God knows what is best for us. You will realize the goodness of it only at the end.

Marion Moses said...

Thankyou Sujith.It was wonderful to start my day meditating on this aspect of God.He is indeed a tough yet the best Teacher.
By the way do you have any insights on this verse from James 5:16 - The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.The definition of who is a righteous man is not mentioned anywhere,it puzzles me a lot as to why the author of James would wish to qualify his statement so.
Would appreciate your insights and looking forward to more of them.

Selwyn Samraj said...

Nice insights Sujith
Thanks a lot

Selwyn Samraj said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
George said...

It's been a while since you wrote anything. Whats up? I'm getting hungry for some more of your "Thoughts..."

Keep me posted :)

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled on this post while searching for something else...
I took my time to read this an I'm letting this sink in... Josephs comments are thoguht proving as well...
I was gifted this book just last week.. 'Just do something' by Kevin De Young. If you get a hold of it, do read it. It talks about God leading us...

Nisha said...

Hi Sujith,
I just came across your post and it was so refreshing to read your thoughts on God's words. I felt it was God who made me see your post today to strengthen and increase my faith.
Sure God has a plan C for all of us and I am truly waiting for his plan in my life.