10 April 2007

He climbed up, but hurried down

Luke 19:4 “…he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree…” The Bible says that “Zacchaeus was trying to see who Jesus was…”(Luke 19:3a), which indicates that he had never seen Jesus before, but had probably heard about him. But Zacchaues had a problem. “…On account of the crowd he could not see Him, because he was short in stature.”(Luke 19:3b) Zacchaeus thought he could solve this particular problem by running ahead of Jesus and climbing up a sycamore tree that was on the way that Jesus was going to pass through. “When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today.” So he hurried down and was happy to welcome Him.” (Luke 19:5,6) Isn’t it typical of us to keep thinking to ourselves that we have Jesus in hearts, Jesus in our homes, Jesus in our ministries, chiefly because we chose to invite him in. I wonder how we would have ever opened the door and invited him in, if He had not taken the first step to knock? Yes it is true that Zacchaeus welcomed Jesus home – but do you think he would have had that privilege, if Jesus had never bothered to stop by the tree, look up at him and say, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must…” Wait a minute… I must??? Did Jesus say, “I must…” Zaccheaus didn’t even know who Jesus was; he hadn’t even seen Him before! I would have thought that when you meet someone you haven’t met before and you wanted to stay over at their place for the day, you would ask “Could I please stay at your house today?” or “Would you mind if I stayed over at your place today?” On the contrary, what we read here is not a polite request from Jesus to Zacchaeus, but rather a compelling proposal – “I MUST stay at your house today.” Oh the love of a Holy King who thought of stopping by my sycamore tree and compelled me to have Him come home - home to a sinner like me!! Calvary was not a polite request to mankind to be saved, but a demonstration of how far the love of God would go to compel us to have Him come home to us. “…Rarely will anyone die for a righteous person – though perhaps for a good person someone might actually dare to die. But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us…for while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son” (Romans 5:7,8,10a) Notice that in order for Zacchaeus to welcome Jesus home, he had to first hurry down the tree. Would he have been able to take Jesus home if he had refused to come down that tree? Absolutely not! Entering into fellowship with Christ is possible only when we LEAVE OUR GROUND and REACH HIS GROUND – i.e. THE BLOOD. Beware of assuming that Christ came home because you took the effort to climb up the tree. Rather it was because you took the effort and hurried down the tree that made it possible for you to take Him home. Which tree do you tend to climb? The tree of a rich Christian family heritage that makes you think it gives you easier access into fellowship with Christ? “Hurry down”; it is the blood that makes it possible. Or maybe the tree of a disciplined Bible study routine that you follow? “Hurry down” it is the blood that makes it possible. Or maybe the tree of a successful and useful ministry u have? “Hurry down”; it is the blood that makes it possible. “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” (Ephesians 2: 13) “…We have been justified by His blood…” (Romans 5:9). Hurry! Climb down your tree and enter into communion with Him, on basis of the blood and NOTHING else. Lastly, “…the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost.” So it was not because Zacchaeus climbed up the tree that he had an encounter with Christ; it was because Jesus came seeking for him there. Even if Zacchaeus had not been on top of a tree, but behind a bush or even lost in the crowd – the Son of Man would have sought him out. “Those whom he foreknew he also predestined…those whom he predestined, he called; those whom he called, he also justified; and those whom he justified, he glorified” (Romans 8:29,30) Are you trying to seek Jesus, but at the same time you feel “short” and can’t seem to find Him? Do not fear – the Son of Man will “seek you out” wherever you are. God knows exactly where you are today. He knows your shortcomings, your fears, your desires, your failures, your worries –He knows everything. Believe in Him. Will you climb down that tree today and receive justification based on the blood that paid your penalty? Will you accept His Lordship over your life and receive His salvation? Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts… He climbed up, but he hurried down and called Him Lord.


Jayme Gurl! said...

Once again God speaks to my heart through his servant. Thanks be to God for this message today.


Anonymous said...

Its great!!. Thank God that He is using you in a new way. The thought is fantastic. It wasn't my option, He decided that He MUST.........
God Bless you
Love Pa and Ma

Chellam Zarina said...

"Do not fear – the Son of Man will “seek you out” wherever you are"--Vow..thank you so much...It was so inspiring for me today

Amanda:) said...

Entering into fellowship with Christ is possible only when we LEAVE OUR GROUND and REACH HIS GROUND – i.e. THE BLOOD.

WOW Alex! What truth! Thank you for this strong word brother! I pray you and your family are well.

God bless you from California, US!:)

Herbert said...

Thanks for the insight. May we never lose sight of the marvelous love the God so richly bestows on us. Su ha reassuring thot... that He loved us while we were yet sinners seeking us out...

God bless and keep you

artis2kewl said...

God Bless you Sujith..... Thank you for taking the time and effort to do this.

Anonymous said...

God bless you. Excellent! God speaks through your heart, and indeed "We have not chosen the Lord, but He have chosen us..."(John 15.16)

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord...
Thank u Holy spirit for revealing the revelation to us. Sujith once again the Lord did speak thru u n pray he continues to. Do remain faithful to him. The moment we hurry to step down from our tree he not only call us n dine wid us but he gets back on dat same tree takin our place of sin giving us SALVATION..Wat a savior we serve. IT's not the tree but the one who lay on the tree dat matters so dont look at ur problems but the one who holds ur problems. Just get to him n surrender ur weakness. We as Christians must never look down on our savior but UP..Dats y Jesus did ask Zacchaeus to get down. The Lord's coming soon dont make him find u on the tree but Resurrected wid him.
BLessings n Greetings in Jesus Name

jesuslovesmeyesiknow said...

Thanks for sharing. It's a powerful message for such a time as this. May the LORD continously bless and use you in JESUS name.


Live4Christ said...

Its wonderful thought! God Bless you and use you more for His glory.
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