03 April 2007

I cannot do it

Mark 5: 4 “…he had often been restrained with shackles and chains but the chains he wrenched….shackles he broke…” In this passage of scripture, we read about a demon possessed man whom “no one could restrain”. This conclusion is arrived at because “he has often been restrained with shackles and chains, but the chains he wrenched apart, and the shackles he broke to pieces; and no one had the strength to subdue him.” (Luke 5:4) Although we may not be demon possessed and living among the tombs ourselves, there are many aspects about the spiritual walk we can learn through him. We see the problem being tackled here by two different approaches: i.e. the approach used by the people around him and the approached used by Jesus. The approach used by the people around him was to put restrictions on him viz. the chains, the shackles etc., to control his behaviour. Sooner or later they arrived at the conclusion that “no one could restrain him”. Similarly in our walk with the Lord we try our level best to resort to “restrictions” to live a life free of sin. Sooner than later, we realize that no matter how many times we decide and we resolve and no matter how hard we try, we do not have the power to live a life free of sin. “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate”. (Romans 7:15). The Apostle Paul in his struggle against sin came to this conclusion one day: “For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it” (Romans 7:18). The truth is, we cannot do what is right by resorting to “fix” our external actions because the problem is not external, but internal; i.e. the heart. “...it is what comes out of a person that defiles. For it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come…” (John 7:20, 21). Hence, Jesus approached the issue from another angle; i.e. he dealt with the heart. In other words what chains and shackles did not achieve, the Word of the Lord by the Spirit of God did! Jesus became like us (human) in every aspect and he lived a life without sin – not by the application of external “restriction” or law, but by the Spirit of God. In fact, Jesus came to fulfill the law. He then went on the cross to crucify and kill this flesh in which “nothing good dwells”. And because God chose us and destined us in Christ (Ephesians 1:4, 5), we were also crucified with Him! (Romans 6:6) Jesus then rose again from the dead because death could not hold Him in its power (Acts 2:24). And after Jesus was glorified, God poured out His same Spirit on us, so that we may live as His witnesses. “…it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2: 20). So how can we live a righteous life? – Only by faith in Christ. Beware of implementing “restrictions” on ourselves to overcome sin and then blaming God for its failure. “…the righteous shall live by faith” (Romans1:17). So then remember, “I can will what is right, but I cannot do it”.


Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea to share the word and your reflections..:) Very true restrictions aint not Gods way..power urself by Word and allow the Spirit of God to work

Gigi said...

Great work for the Lord

Amanda:) said...

WOW, Alex this is WONDERFUL! I encourage you to continue with it in whatever capacity and frequency you feel God is desiring for you. No doubt you have made Him smile with your work in His name!

God bless you and I hope you are well. Thank you for thinking of me to share this with.:)

Anonymous said...

A very thoughtful post Sujith. I agree external restrictions and imposing laws would never work when it comes to leading a sin free life. What we need is the desire to walk in the path of righteousness and the faith that the Lord would take care of the rest.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you".

Unknown said...

hey this posting is good and the approach is different...think you should write articles for Yo Mag..

Anonymous said...

Excellent idea!! Keep up the good work you have begun for the Lord! Praying that God will bless you with His wisdom as you share the Word of God.........

Unknown said...

"He who has started a good work in you .... will be faithful to bring it to completion" ..... God bless u and continue to use you only for Hos Glory and for the extension of His kingdom......

subin said...

hey... it was too good.. just wat i wanted now... God bless u more n more.. Let him use u mightly for his kingdom... many will be benifitted by this..

Unknown said...

Beautifully written and have always loved the thoughts that flow out of your mind through Him. May our Lord inspire many more pieces of excellence by you. I'm sure He spoke to me through this. Keep it up and lets continue to serve Him with our heart and mind and soul and strength truthfully!coz no matter what we do or say we can never ever FAKE Him.

artis2kewl said...

mamji kidillam.....keep it up...thats the right thing to do on the internet .
So CUT the SCRAPs and continue this great work you've started. God bless you kutta!!!

Anonymous said...

Acha, what a great start.. I'm sure you'll bless a lot of people through this. DEFINATELY a good idea :) God Bless xx

Jayme Gurl! said...

Hey bro...God is so awesome. I am touched by what God is doing all over our tiny little world. Praise God for stepping out in faith and may God recieve all glory and honor and praise. I am blessed beyond words to see how God is using his people. You are always in my prayers.

J O E said...

Sujith.. great work man.. keep it up.. any help i can from my side i will do..

Go bless ya

Unknown said...

Great work Sujith, the thought is very strong n convicting. The Lord has been talking to me about the same thought, so i can feel Lord's annoiniting here in your article.This can be a channel through which Lord can help us grow .

Lord will surely guide you through this.

BJ'S COLUMN said...

Yes Sujith. This article is good and original.. especially the thoughts that people tried to control him by chains and could and the meditations from that point touched me. Hope hear more from you

Chellam Zarina said...

Sujith, Its really amazing and a great words to begin with. I pray that u r words reach everyone and Glory be Thy His Name.:)

Unknown said...

Glory be to God for such persons as you. I went through your article and my spirit leaped within me for joy because, it is so rare that these days the blood and cross is being preached. It is our duty to preach this message, may God use you mightily for his Glory and namesake.